
Hello!  My name is Carli.  Here's a little bit about me...

From my earliest memories, I have loved creating. Drawing, sewing, painting, making beautiful things of every kind! I grew up in a home that valued and expressed creativity & entrepreneurship in many forms, and as an adult I see what an incredible gift that was!

Throughout my life, this love of creating beautiful things has been expressed in many ways. When I was 5, I won ribbons at our State Fair for a clown doll I sewed (this was before clowns were creepy haha!) and an embroidered teddy bear. When I was in 1st grade, I made my own version of "Candyland" and sold it from my front yard. I have a box full of books that I wrote and illustrated in elementary school. I remember making my own looms with cardboard and weaving purses and small bags. I loved hanging out with my dad in the garage. He built rocking horses, wooden toys, tables, shelves, boats. I loved playing with the scraps of wood, and the coffee tins full of screws and nuts and bolts. I kept sketchbooks and folders of my creations - pencil drawings of plants and leaves, my study of Van Gogh's "Starry Night" in pastels, paper scrap collages (I even tried handmade paper!). And then there was sewing. Some of my fondest memories are of watching my mom and grandmas sew, going to the fabric store and looking through stacks of cut out blocks at my great grandma's house. 

Growing up I had the incredible opportunity to live abroad in Czech Republic and Poland. My husband and I spent 6 months living in Kosovo with our oldest, who was 2 at the time. Most recently, our whole family lived in Indonesia for 4 years. International living changed and grew me in so many ways, and also exposed me to a whole different world of beauty and art. 

My greatest job and joy (and creative venture!) has been being momma to my four kids. Being a mom provides endless possibilities for creativity, haha!

Several years ago, while living in Indonesia for the first time, I started drawing again. And I started dreaming. Of sharing my art with others. Of seeing my designs on stationary and fabric. I created and sold notecards to expat friends. We moved back to the States for a year and I sold Christmas cards and tote bags at a Holiday Bazaar. I kept drawing and dreaming.

One night I found myself in the ER.  I was told I had acute hydrocephalus - and later found out it was due to an inoperable brain tumor. Brain surgery, recovery, and figuring out my new capacity have been a humbling and slow process.  I have "started" and needed to "pause" countless times. But - now I find myself in a place where I have time and space and capacity to pursue my creative dreams! I try every day, to embrace what is right in front of me and to look for joy and beauty in everything. This is not always easy. But it is SO good!  

I’m excited to put myself out there - take this leap and see where it takes me!